
Welcome to The Sibling Writery, online home of authors and siblings, Cate, Alexandra and Don McDermott. Now, before you ask, we aren’t really sure how it was that all three of us ended up becoming writers. We can only say that we all loved reading as kids (and still do) and the craft appears to have rubbed off on us to a considerable extent.

Please have a look at our author profiles to get to know us better, and then browse through the descriptions of our available books to see if anything catches your fancy.

You can also have a wander through some of the content on the site under the “Features” heading. If you have a question or comment, or would merely like to chat about writing and the wonderful world of books, please do leave a comment below or email us at thesiblingwritery@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear from you. Happy reading!

2 thoughts on “About

    1. Hello Charlotte, sorry for the somewhat late reply, we’ve only just seen your comment! Yes, we’ve all been quite busy writing over lockdown (one of the things we can still do!), and we have been keeping well. Looking at your blog, you seem to have been doing great things with your balcony concerts, we shall have to go on YouTube and give them a watch. Stay safe! Cate, Allie & Don

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